I am in Nerd Wars T9. I am a proud member of team (Zombie) Apocalypse!
During the first round I dwarfed the nebula.
Here are my posts for Round 1.
Rav handle: MegaMsVeee
Team Name: (zombie) apocalypse
What craft was used?: Crochet
Project page link :
Michonne’s Headband
A written description of how your project answers the challenge: I
created an item that will work when one is LARPing or Cos-playing as
Michonne from Season 3 of
The Walking Dead.
Inspiration Image:

Photo of project:
Team spirit: Michonne has a lot of headbands to fashionably keep her
dreadlocks out of her face while kicking zombie ass. I used Sari Silk to
get colors to match her headbands she wears on Season 3 of
The Walking Dead.
Team Unity: This is a gift for Michonne from Season 3 of
The Walking Dead.
Although Michonne has a lot of headbands, she may not have any warm
ones. I made this one wide enough to also be an ear warmer, so that she
could wear it during the cold winter months and look fabulous while
killing her some zombies.
Rav handle: MegaMsVeee
Team Name: (Zombie) Apocalypse
What craft was used?: Crochet
Project page link:
Swap Squares
A written description of how your project answers the challenge: The
colors in these squares were inspired by the beautiful aurora borealis. I
have never had the pleasure of seeing them in person (I live in South
Louisiana), but I do love looking at photos of them.


Team spirit: These squares remind me of the beautiful stained glass windows found inside the cafe in the Walking Dead Season 3.
(Encyclopedia): VOLUME Z: ZOO
Rav handle: MegaMsVeee
Team Name: (Zombie) Apocalypse
What craft was used?: Crochet
Project page:
Red Lanyard
A written description of how your project answers the challenge: I
made this red lanyard for holding my membership card when I am at the
local zoo. We get discounts on everything in the zoo including all of
the food booths, so it’s very handy to have your membership card ready
to scan.

Team spirit: This would be handy for Felipe to wear so that he could
have his security clearance card handy at all times in the Atlanta
nursing home. During season 1 of the Walking Dead we see that; Felipe
was working as a special care provider at the nursing home. Once the
outbreak struck and people began turning into walkers, all the nurses
and doctors ran away and left the patients to die. Guillermo and Felipe
decided to stay behind and take care of them.
(Giving Geeks): FEAR HAS ITS USE
Rav handle: MegaMsVeee
Team Name: (Zombie) Apocalypse
What craft was used? Donation
A written description of how your project answers the challenge:
First off I had to get over my fear of letting things go. Second my
donation of clothes and books to the local thrift store helps local
families overcome several fears. They can buy the items for as low as a
nickel which will help with their fear of not having enough money to buy
clothes for their family. Second the proceeds from the thrift store buy
food for the food bank which is then given away reliving their fear of
Photo: (The nice lady at the store took the two bags immediately, but
was camera shy, so I took a photo of the books as I left them outside
the door.)

Team spirit: In the first book in Jesse Peterson’s Living with the
dead series “Married with Zombies,’ Sara and David are forced to loot a
sporting good store when they are left with no supplies. One of the main
things they were after was clothes. In the second book “Flip this
Zombie,” Sara tells of how they looted a book store to gain information
that they otherwise could not have gotten in their zombie apocalyptic
(Flexible Schedule): WEAR SOMETHING GAUDY
Rav handle: MegaMsVeee
Team Name: (Zombie) Apocolypse
What craft was used?: Crochet
Project page:
Super Gaudy Zombie Ear Necklace
A written description of how your project answers the challenge:
This ear necklace is extremely gaudy. All of the “freshly undead” ears have huge earrings.
This necklace was entirly created this month.
Photos of your project:

Team spirit: This project was inspired by Daryl from The Walking Dead and his awesome ear necklace.
Check this out! Team Pi honored my zombie ear necklace for their artifact of the week!
I have already started on Round 2 and I will be posting more soon. I am also a member of HPKCHC, but I am not sorted. I do hang out in the Snake Pit though.